Saturday, November 18, 2006

A Feminist Idea?

Child of Troy recently posed the following question on the Social Science : Psychology section of Yahoo Answers:
I read an article about some feminist who wants to get rid of all urinals because they are sexist. She says that if women can't pee standing up, then nobody should. I personally think that's ridiculous (I like the convience of just being able to just unzip the fly of my jeans to pee and standing rather than having to take them down and sit). What do you think (interested especially in what women think).
Knowing that with this, as with everything, it would help to have the whole story before pontificating on the subject, I found out there was more to this issue than what Child of Troy revealed in his question.

Austrian removes 'sexist' urinals
Associated Press

VIENNA, Austria - An Austrian businessman announced Thursday that he would get rid of urinals shaped like a woman's mouth from a public toilet near Vienna's national opera, after facing pressure from politicians who demanded their removal.

The urinals, which are located in the "Opera Toilet," a lavishly decorated public restroom, feature thick, lipsticked lips, a set of teeth and a bright red tongue.

"We think that it's tasteless, misogynistic and offensive,' Marianne Lackner, media spokeswoman for the Vienna Department of Women's Affairs told The Associated Press.

The department, headed by Social Democrat Sonja Wehsely, said it was appealing to the owner's good will, but was also exploring the possibility of legal action.

Reading this story, I actually of found the idea of the women's-mouth-shaped urinals kind of humorous ― initially. But I can completely understand how many women, not only feminists, would find the concept offensive. Think about what it represents, for crying out loud. Can anyone deny that the symbolism of a man peeing into a woman's mouth is more than a little demeaning?

But most people tend to get way too bent out of shape about stupid things. A lawsuit? Criminal charges? Puh-leeze.

As for Child's personal preference to keep the urinal, of course he wants to! Why would any guy not want it easy? Women want it easy, too. There's even a new device out that claims to allow women to be able to pee standing up, just like the boys do.

Brisbane-based company WhizBiz today said "The Whiz" fits snugly against the body to enable women to "take a stand" like their male counterparts and avoid smelly public toilets and long queues.
Personally, I would prefer to see people spend their time and energy being outraged by truly outrageous things: the fact that AIDS is decimating Africa unchecked; the ungodly number of homelessness in the richest country in the world; teen pregnancy; the dire need for clean drinking water in every nation around the world...

For the record, I am 39, single, female, and have always considered myself a feminist. Unfortunately, being a feminist and being over-reactive are not mutually exclusive.


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