Ever Been on Yahoo Answers?
There's a great site called Yahoo Answers. Post questions about anything under the sun. Answer them and drive traffic to your site. Some of the questions (and answers) are just stupid, but others are really thoughtful.
Was looking at the Arts & Humanities > Books & Authors category tonight. This was obviously a kid, but I thought it deserved an answer.
What you do if you wrote note to boy and [he] didn't write back!?
- he was intester in you so you dtill write me and find why he didnt write you
- Ask him why he didnt.
- move on
- depends on what it said. maybe he isnt a big writer, or maybe he isnt interested in what you had to say.
- He may be shy or maybe not interested..you can figure that out based on what you know about him..
Did he get the note? Maybe he's shy? A lot depends on how old you are. Sometimes a boy likes a girl, but is just too embarrassed to admit it... Why don't you try talking to him in person?
WAIT - What did you SAY in the note????
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